February 13, 2005

S*x Sux or what!?

We were having this discussion the other day, okay, about how come three young adults, desperate to "lose their flower", are still virgins! i mean if this was in the infamous U.S. of A, we would already have lost it, considering that we are already going on 20. i mean, you would either find people who already have had sex, or atleast don't want any part of it ruining their lives. not like us, who are desperate, yet do not have the oppurtunity to indulge! and why would you think that the situation is so? is this the famous parampara of the largest democracy in the world, that young adults are to be kept restrained from indulging their basest instincts?
and of course there is the other type of male species of the human kind, which actually believe that not having a chance to indulge is actually for their own good! i mean how immature can one be? let alone not having had sex "all willy-nilly", but actually believing that you are not supposed to? by god we are in the dark ages! no wonder the world just swooped past us while we were still recovering from the hangover of achieving our very own independence. i mean 50 yrs of independence, and all that we have to show is the glorious past, and of course the zero contribution to math, meaning zilch. 0. nothing, and that's what we are good for.
i sometimes have a feeling all of this is our very own doing, you know, like the song which goes :we are all just prisoners here, of our own device: or was it of our only vice? here we are, caught in the very deep mesh of tradition, family values, etc.. blah blah, while all that we want to do is have some clean good fun. is that wrong? "YES IT IS", shout co-human beings of the same age, and deeper we sink into the mesh. aw for cripes' sakes get me outta here!!

1 comment:

SuperP. said...

North American girls lose their virginity around the age of 15. However, apparently in Africa, this age is much younger. It's all relative. And, younger is not neccessarily better. I wish I'd waited.