April 12, 2007

The rains are here!

How they dance in the courtyard, sweet summer sweat
Some dance to remember, some dance to forget

As you run out into the street, droplets of rain lashing at you from every direction, you just can't help the smile that forms. You can't get rid of that innocent blissful grin on your face, even though you know it makes you look even stupider (if that was ever possible). You forget for a moment what you learnt was possible, and start to leap to a plane that is above everything. Petty comparisons, differences of opinions, little insecurities all vanish for a moment from your conscious thought, as you give up your hold on your body to those little wet needles that tingle you everywhere. You wish you could fly higher, so that no tree would be able to block the rain. You wish you could fly higher, so that you can see the thunder cloud much closer, and play with the lightning. You settle for something equally pleasing and equally stimulating, a walk in the rain. You think of all your friends who are missing out on these little joys in life, and pray for them. You think of all your friends elsewhere, who would be out dancing in the rain too, and wish that you were with them. You think of how rare it is to see the sun up and shining bright, when it is raining hard on your face. And then you search for the ever-elusive rainbow. And the pot-o'-gold at the end of the rainbow.

And when the rain leaves you alone, and the sun glaringly points this out to you, all you do is bask in the knowledge and hope that all is well with the world.

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